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MEDIA Programme of the EU & MEDIA desk - Bulgaria

Over the past 16 years, MEDIA, the EU's support program for the European audiovisual industry, has supported the development and distribution of thousands of films as well as training activities, festivals and promotion projects throughout the continent. From 2001-2006, more than half a billion euros were injected into 8.000 projects from over 30 countries.
The new MEDIA 2007 program (2007-2013) is the fourth multi-annual program since 1991 (previous programmes) and has a budget of € 755 million. It simplifies the program's administration but certainly not its objectives:


  • to strive for a stronger European audiovisual sector, reflecting and respecting Europe’s cultural identity and heritage
  • to increase the circulation of European audiovisual works inside and outside the European Union
  • to strengthen the competitiveness of the European audiovisual sector by facilitating access to financing and promoting use of digital technologies

The MEDIA program is implemented via annual work program.
MEDIA 2007 is divided into five action lines:

  • training of professionals
  • development of production projects and companies
  • distribution of cinematographic works and audiovisual programs
  • promotion of cinematographic works and audiovisual programs, including the support for film festivals
  • horizontal actions/pilot projects

Independent production and distribution companies can apply for development or distribution funding in the form of grants and interest free loans. Financial assistance is available for training providers and organisers of markets and festivals. Individuals may also benefit from subsidised places on training courses and international markets.
Practitioners in the audiovisual industry such as producers of film, television, animation, new media companies, distribution and sales companies and also 'enabling' organisations such as training bodies or film schools, promotional events or festival organisers.

The official site of the MEDIA program is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/media

The information desk of MEDIA Program for Bulgaria is located at:

2A, Dondukov blvd., last floor
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

(the entrance is from the church yard of St. George Rotunda)

tel: +359 2 9883224 or +359 2 9870325
fax: +359 2 9875369

MEDIA Desk team: Mr. Kamen Balkanski (head) and Mr. Stanislav Stanev (assistant).


Бюро МЕДИА - България
бул. "Дондуков" 2А, последен етаж София 1000
тел.: (02) 988 32 24
тел./факс: (02) 987 53 69
e-mail: info@mediadesk.bg

Бюро МЕДИА - България издава информационен бюлетин с периодичност 4 пъти в годината (печaтна и електронна версия). В него се предлага информация за обявените конкурси по различните направления на програмата, за възможнистите за участие на професионалисти в тренингови програми, осъществявани с подкрепата на програма МЕДИА, за аудиовизуални събития в страната и чужбина.


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дизайн: Stigma Design Studio
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